Friday 29 May 2020

Author questions and answers

Q 1. Did you like writing the small story called fever?
A 1. Yes, I enjoyed writing it very much!
Q 2. Did you run out of ideas at any moment while writing fever?
A 2. I did fall short of ideas two times, but after a day or two of thinking, I then had some ideas.
Q 3. how did you get the idea of writing fever?
A 3. I got it from rumours about ghosts.
Q 4. why did you write about milking a cow?
A 4. Because I have done it in the past and I enjoyed it very much!
Q 5. How did you get the idea of the theme being a farm?
A 5. it kind of just popped in to my head...
Q 6. How did you get the idea for the names?
A 6. They just popped to my head as well...
Q 7. Do you like the book?
A 7. Yes!
Q 8. Did you have any help?
A 8. Yes, I had help from my family and friends
And that's all the questions and answers for today folks!

Thursday 28 May 2020

Number Problems # 2

Fox had 34 cookies, Joel gave Fox 16 Delicious cookies, Zeb gave Fox 14 more cookies after he gave Fox 3 cookies. Fox then gave 17 cookies to his family. How many cookies did Fox have left?

Alex had 16 acorns, Jimmy gave Alex 12 more acorns and James gave him 8 acorns. Then he got 5 from his friend Cody and 4 from his dad. He gave 9 acorns to Jayden and gave 24 to Fox. How many acorns did Alex have left?

Please comment down your answer!

Wednesday 27 May 2020

number problems

Jimmy had 12 bottles of water, Fox gave him 8 bottles, Alex gave him 4 and Jayden gave him 3 more. Then he gave 19 to the rest of his friends. How many did Jimmy have left?

James had 20 bricks, Jimmy gave him 70 more and a truck gave him 40 more, after he got the bricks from the truck he gave his family 60 bricks. How many did James have left?

Please comment your answer down below using the comment section!

Samoan art comment

The reason I chose this Samoan art is because I like how there are the rhombus', the cubes at the bottom and the 4 pointed stars at the middle! I also like how the rhombus' are also kind of like a diamond shape but 2d.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

The second Kahoot that I made

W.AL.T. Make a quality Kahoot.
Hello, I am fox and I have recently made a Kahoot with 11 questions and the Kahoot took one hour to make! Please comment down below of what you think of the Kahoot after you finish it. The Kahoot is about how well you know the creator of this blog post. Please give feedback to the Kahoot as well.
Here is the link:

The Kahoot that I made

W.AL.T. Make a quality Kahoot.
Hello, I am fox and I have recently made a Kahoot with 13 questions and the Kahoot took one hour to make! Please comment down below of what you think of the Kahoot after you finish it. The Kahoot is about how well you know the creator of this blog post. Please give feedback to the Kahoot as well.
Here is the link:

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Breaking Down Math

4+5 can turn into 3+3+3=9.  8+6 can turn into 7+7=14.  16+18 can turn into 17+17=34.  14+12 can turn into 13+13= 26.  13+14 can be broken down into 3+4=7+10+10=27.  8+9 can broken into 9+1=10 +7=17
That is it for now of some questions that can be broken down

Castaways question

Do you think you could have survived such hard times?

I don't think I could survive a hard time from being a castaway when it was about 1900 after people abandoned me. Do you think you could survive being a castaway?

Friday 8 May 2020

Herobrine Fight part one

Herobrine Fight

Once there were three kids named Fox, Fletcher and Isaac. They were the Master
Warriors. Fox was the miner, farmer and archer, Fletcher was the builder and warrior
Isaac was the wood chopper and warrior. One day they were fighting Herobrine and
when Herobrine was at one hp left he made Fox, Fletcher and Issac go into Minecraft
for real life. They spawned in a forest and they started gathering blocks of wood. Then
they made some sticks and wood planks. After that Isaac made a crafting table. Fox
made a wooden sword, pickaxe and a hoe. Isaac made an axe and swords for him
and fletcher. 

Then Fletcher made a couple stacks of oak planks. They went out of the forest and
they saw a village with two blacksmith houses. Fox shouted ¨Yes!¨ Fox farmed the
crops and went to the blacksmith's house. He found chests and they contained 1
bow with the infinity enchantment, 3 obsidian and 7 diamonds. Fox took the bow for
himself with the one arrow and then gave the obsidian to fletcher. ¨hey guys, I have
some diamonds for you.¨ Fox said to Fletcher and Isaac. Fox crafted 2 diamond
swords and 1 diamonds pickaxe.

 Fox gave the  diamond swords to Fletcher and Isaac. There was 1 diamond left.
Fox then floated 3 blocks off the ground and crafted diamond armour for all of them with feather falling.
It was nighttime. Soon there was a skeleton with a bow enchanted with
power 5 , punch 2 and infinity 1. Fox took it down with his bow and collected the
bow. Then he enchanted all of their armour with Fox's favourite enchantments and
the diamond swords with Fox's favourite enchantments for swords!

 Then, Herobrine came to them. Immediately Fletcher and Isaac charged at him
with their diamond swords and Fox shot an arrow at Herobrine. They all made contact
and herobrine was destroyed. Then they heard a big zombie coming. Fox then shuddered
and told them about the zombie. They got afraid as well but they knew they had to defeat
him, But he was too strong. They were forced to retreat to the forest. They built a hut of
wood and Fox shot some cows for food. When they recovered, they started practising
their attacks and shots. Then they went out of the forest to take a look out in the plains. 

They saw a player battling the zombie and Fox saw his name. The name was
Gameknight999. Fox then charged out to help him, but before he charged out, he
told Fletcher and Isaac that he had to help Gameknight999. When Fox was in arrow
range, he shot the zombie and the arrow went in between the armour the zombie had
on and it hit the zombie. The zombie looked at Fox and went to destroy him. Fletcher
and Isaac then charged in front of Fox to protect Fox. This allowed Fox to keep firing while
Fletcher and Isaac attacked from the front and Gameknight999 attacked from the back. 

Eventually the zombie was defeated and Gameknight999 thanked Fox, Fletcher and Isaac.
He was about to go when Fox asked Gameknight999 if he, Fletcher and Isaac could come
with him to the village and Gameknight999 said yes. So they went with Gameknight999
to his village. After they repaired the armour and weapons, Fox had an idea. He told
them about it and they all agreed to travel there

Thursday 7 May 2020

Class After Lock Down

W.A.L.T. Make what you think the class should be after lock down. Hello, my name is Fox and I am going to show you what I think of what Room 2 should look like after lock down ends. Here is the Google drawing I made and it is below!
I it does not show the whole thing there is a link below as well!

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Otzi the iceman

W.A.L.T. Write facts about Otzi the iceman.

I am a descendant of Otzi the iceman and i have some facts for you!

Ötzi, also called the Iceman, is the well-preserved natural mummy of a man who lived between 3400 and 3100 BCE.[3] The mummy was found in September 1991 in the Ötztal 
Alps, hence the nickname "Ötzi", near Similaun mountain and Hauslabjoch on the border between Austria and Italy.[4] He is Europe's oldest known natural human mummy, and has offered 
an unprecedented view of Chalcolithic (Copper Age) Europeans. His body and belongings
 are displayed in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in BolzanoSouth Tyrol, Italy.

Now the facts about Otzi's discovery.

Ötzi was found on 19 September 1991 by two German tourists, at an elevation of 3,210
 metres (10,530 ft) on the east ridge of the Fineilspitze in the Ötztal Alps on the 
Austrian–Italian border. The tourists, Helmut and Erika Simon, were walking off the path
 between the mountain passes Hauslabjoch and Tisenjoch. They believed that the body
 was of a recently deceased mountaineer.[5] The next day, a mountain gendarme and the
 keeper of the nearby Similaunhütte first attempted to remove the body, which was frozen
 in ice below the torso, using a pneumatic drill and ice-axes, but had to give up due to 
bad weather. The next day, eight groups visited the site, among whom were mountaineers 
Hans Kammerlander and Reinhold Messner. The body was semi-officially extracted on 22 
September and officially salvaged the following day. It was transported to the office of the 
medical examiner in Innsbruck, together with other objects found. On 24 September, the 
find was examined there by archaeologist Konrad Spindler of the University of Innsbruck
He dated the find to be "about four thousand years old", based on the typology of an axe among the retrieved objects.[6][7]
At the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye of 1919, the border between North and South Tyrol 
was defined as the watershed of the rivers Inn and Etsch. Near Tisenjoch the (now retreated) 
glacier complicated establishing the watershed at the time, and the border was established 
too far north. Although Ötzi's find site drains to the Austrian side, surveys in October 1991 
showed that the body had been located 92.56 metres (101.22 yd) inside Italian territory as 
delineated in 1919″E.[8] The province of South Tyrol therefore claimed property rights, but 
agreed to let Innsbruck University finish its scientific examinations. Since 1998, it has 
been on display at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, the capital of South Tyrol.[9]

Now the facts about his body and what he carried!

By current estimates (2016), at the time of his death, Ötzi was 160 centimetres (5 ft 3 in)
 tall, weighed about 50 kilograms (110 lb), and was about 45 years of age.[11] When his
 body was found, it weighed 13.750 kilograms (30 lb 5.0 oz).[12][13] Because the body was
 covered in ice shortly after his death, it had only partially deteriorated. Initial reports 
claimed that his penis and most of his scrotum were missing, but this was later shown 
to be unfounded.[14] Analysis of pollen, dust grains and the isotopic composition of his
 tooth enamel indicates that he spent his childhood near the present village of 
Feldthurns, north of Bolzano, but later went to live in valleys about 50 kilometres farther north.[15]
In 2009, a CAT scan revealed that the stomach had shifted upward to where his lower lung
 area would normally be. Analysis of the contents revealed the partly digested remains of 
ibex meat, confirmed by DNA analysis, suggesting he had a meal less than two hours 
before his death. Wheat grains were also found.[16] It is believed that Ötzi most likely had a
 few slices of a dried, fatty meat, probably bacon, which came from a wild goat in South 
Tyrol, Italy.[17] Analysis of Ötzi's intestinal contents showed two meals (the last one consumed
 about eight hours before his death), one of chamois meat, the other of red deer and herb 
bread; both were eaten with roots and fruits. The grain also eaten with both meals was a 
highly processed einkorn wheat bran,[18] quite possibly eaten in the form of bread. In the 
proximity of the body, and thus possibly originating from the Iceman's provisions, chaff 
and grains of einkorn and barley, and seeds of flax and poppy were discovered, as well 
as kernels of sloes (small plum-like fruits of the blackthorn tree) and various seeds of berries
growing in the wild.[19]
Hair analysis was used to examine his diet from several months before. Pollen in the 
first meal showed that it had been consumed in a mid-altitude conifer forest, and other 
pollens indicated the presence of wheat and legumes, which may have been domesticated
 crops. Pollen grains of hop-hornbeam were also discovered. The pollen was very well 
preserved, with the cells inside remaining intact, indicating that it had been fresh 
(estimated about two hours old) at the time of Ötzi's death, which places the event in
 the spring or early summer. Einkorn wheat is harvested in the late summer, and 
sloes in the autumn; these must have been stored from the previous year.[20]
High levels of both copper particles and arsenic were found in Ötzi's hair. This, along
with Ötzi's copper axe blade, which is 99.7% pure copper, has led scientists to speculate
that Ötzi was involved in copper smelting.[21]
By examining the proportions of Ötzi's tibiafemur and pelvis, Christopher Ruff has 
determined that Ötzi's lifestyle included long walks over hilly terrain. This degree of 
mobility is not characteristic of other Copper Age Europeans. Ruff proposes that this may
 indicate that Ötzi was a high-altitude shepherd.[22]
Using modern 3D scanning technology, a facial reconstruction has been created for the 
South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, Italy. It shows Ötzi looking old for his 45 
years, with deep-set brown eyes, a beard, a furrowed face, and sunken cheeks. 
He is depicted looking tired and ungroomed.[23]

That is all the facts that I have about Otzi the iceman for now!

Tuesday 5 May 2020

The little shoemaker

W.A.L.T. identify key similarity's and differences between Charecters

Here I have a character description of the little shoemaker and the evil shoemaker.
It is just a rough description so there is probally more I could add. The link is below and there is a link to the video below!