Friday 8 May 2020

Herobrine Fight part one

Herobrine Fight

Once there were three kids named Fox, Fletcher and Isaac. They were the Master
Warriors. Fox was the miner, farmer and archer, Fletcher was the builder and warrior
Isaac was the wood chopper and warrior. One day they were fighting Herobrine and
when Herobrine was at one hp left he made Fox, Fletcher and Issac go into Minecraft
for real life. They spawned in a forest and they started gathering blocks of wood. Then
they made some sticks and wood planks. After that Isaac made a crafting table. Fox
made a wooden sword, pickaxe and a hoe. Isaac made an axe and swords for him
and fletcher. 

Then Fletcher made a couple stacks of oak planks. They went out of the forest and
they saw a village with two blacksmith houses. Fox shouted ¨Yes!¨ Fox farmed the
crops and went to the blacksmith's house. He found chests and they contained 1
bow with the infinity enchantment, 3 obsidian and 7 diamonds. Fox took the bow for
himself with the one arrow and then gave the obsidian to fletcher. ¨hey guys, I have
some diamonds for you.¨ Fox said to Fletcher and Isaac. Fox crafted 2 diamond
swords and 1 diamonds pickaxe.

 Fox gave the  diamond swords to Fletcher and Isaac. There was 1 diamond left.
Fox then floated 3 blocks off the ground and crafted diamond armour for all of them with feather falling.
It was nighttime. Soon there was a skeleton with a bow enchanted with
power 5 , punch 2 and infinity 1. Fox took it down with his bow and collected the
bow. Then he enchanted all of their armour with Fox's favourite enchantments and
the diamond swords with Fox's favourite enchantments for swords!

 Then, Herobrine came to them. Immediately Fletcher and Isaac charged at him
with their diamond swords and Fox shot an arrow at Herobrine. They all made contact
and herobrine was destroyed. Then they heard a big zombie coming. Fox then shuddered
and told them about the zombie. They got afraid as well but they knew they had to defeat
him, But he was too strong. They were forced to retreat to the forest. They built a hut of
wood and Fox shot some cows for food. When they recovered, they started practising
their attacks and shots. Then they went out of the forest to take a look out in the plains. 

They saw a player battling the zombie and Fox saw his name. The name was
Gameknight999. Fox then charged out to help him, but before he charged out, he
told Fletcher and Isaac that he had to help Gameknight999. When Fox was in arrow
range, he shot the zombie and the arrow went in between the armour the zombie had
on and it hit the zombie. The zombie looked at Fox and went to destroy him. Fletcher
and Isaac then charged in front of Fox to protect Fox. This allowed Fox to keep firing while
Fletcher and Isaac attacked from the front and Gameknight999 attacked from the back. 

Eventually the zombie was defeated and Gameknight999 thanked Fox, Fletcher and Isaac.
He was about to go when Fox asked Gameknight999 if he, Fletcher and Isaac could come
with him to the village and Gameknight999 said yes. So they went with Gameknight999
to his village. After they repaired the armour and weapons, Fox had an idea. He told
them about it and they all agreed to travel there

1 comment:

  1. Wow Fox that is an interesting story. You have some very creative people in your story. I can't wait to read what the next adventure will be.


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