Wednesday 18 November 2020

Amazing International Night

 On Tuesday the 17th of November we had International Night. International Night was when Covid-19 was around so since we couldn't go anywhere, the many different country's were brought to us! We got to have 30 minutes of eating. I had 2 pieces of sushi, 1 piece of dominoes pepperoni pizza, 1 cheese bun, 1 sausage and 1 cone of Hokey Pokey Ice Cream.

After eating we did the songs and room 2 got to go first. (I am in room 2.) We did an Indian dance. Later on we did The Lonely Goatherd from The Sound Of Music and then we sang We Are The World. Only the choir got to sing We Are The World and I am in quire. The favourite thing for me was the food because of the sushi and I am, like, addicted to sushi, also because I just love food in general.

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