Tuesday 16 June 2020

Green Crayon Wrote To Me...

W.A.L.T. Write a persuasive letter. Green Crayon wrote to me and boy, he was angry! Here is Green Crayons Absolute Anger in this letter.  :(

OK, Listen up now. Fooooooox!!!! 
Green crayon here.You use me WAY too much for
HIGHLIGHTING! Is it me, or are the rumours about how
PURPLE i-i-is your FAVOURITE true?!?! Also, ZEB snapped
my own Brother… can you believe that!!!? Can I be in a race
for once as well??? AND WHY are ORANGE and YELLOW
FIGHTING about being the colour of the SUN!!?!

Your very Jealous friend,
GREEN crayon.

Do something about my BROTHER!

I guess he was pretty angry...


  1. Kia ora Fox,

    Your post reminds me of how i get angry I just take 5 deep breaths
    maybe next time you could add a little bit more detail and information because I kinda got mixed up but anyways good job keep it up

  2. Hi Fox its me Rico I really like your blog maybe next time you could add a question at the end. By


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