Friday 20 March 2020

Aerial Archery Tag

Aerial Archery Tag

On the 26th of February in 2020 the year 5 kids went to Living
Springs campus to camp together, to learn new experiences
and to have fun! My favourite thing to do was the defying
archery tag.

 First the person teaching us about it taught us how to hold the
bow when we drew it and then she taught us how to shoot it.
I knocked out two targets in one shot which was super lucky and
rare. Then she taught us how to catch it (which is kind of
obvious how to catch it). So we practised catching the arrows
and lobbed it in the air for our Partner we chose to catch the

 Then dun dun dun… we played archery tag. It was a full-out
war arena. We were firing and dodging as fast as we could.
There was also star wars music in the background. After we
played for the most points to win we did one round of last man
standing. The team that I was in won the round of last man
standing because we eliminated the most people from the other
team. After that we departed from the amazing archery tag.

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